Our Ministries
Pastors to Prisoners Ministry
Roger Ziegler, Yard Pastor at Donovan State Prison
Cellular: (619) 813-6188
We believe it is not enough simply to incarcerate lawbreakers.
Punishment must include an opportunity for rehabilitation in order
to limit the prison population and give offenders an opportunity
to make a positive contribution to society. Lasting change comes
from the inside out, through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Public monies provide only one Protestant Chaplain per institution to serve upwards of 4000+ inmates on several yards within each prison. We provide a non-institutional resource for men interested in changing their lives, maintaining the Chapel open for Bible studies, worship services and counseling throughout the day and evening. Pastors are able to meet and know the men where they are and be available for counseling on a daily basis. They are able to be Christian role models for those inside, and are often the first one a non-churched inmate has ever had. Pastors are able to reinforce the fact that there are people who care about the inmates as individuals and want to see them succeed. Although located within a "punishment" setting, they do not punish. Instead, they provide guidance for inmates; preparing them for release and teaching them to make choices that will change the life situation that landed them in prison.

Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is open from 9:00am-2:00pm Fridays and after service on Sunday. We gladly collect donations Sundays before and after our church service.
The Food Pantry is open to anyone in need. We are happy to provide you with nonperishable items and help guide you to local resources. Feel free to contact us if you need further information.

Samaritan's Purse,
Operation Christmas Child
CDO Bible Church is an active participant in Operation Christmas Child. Our church collects specific items monthly in order to be able to fill more shoeboxes by the end of the year. We collect and distribute shoeboxes which include the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. These shoeboxes are sent around the world with the Gospel being shared in parts of the world which might not otherwise hear the good news of Jesus Christ! ​